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API Reference

Locates FIX API specification details the tags and values along with description of values for each field for processing locate requests and acceptances from OMS clients. Clear Street currently utilizes FIX 4.2 format.

Configuring FIX Session

A FIX session is defined as a unique combination of a BeginString (the FIX version number 4.2), a SenderCompID (OMS Client ID as defined by Clear Street), and a TargetCompID.

A FIX session has an active time period during which all data is transmitted. Clear Street currently accepts connections between 3:30 AM EST to 10 PM EST on all business days. Clear Street will act as an acceptor and OMS will be the initiator.

A Logon message (Tag 35=A) must be sent to Clear Street on every business day to indicate the beginning of activity and a Logout message (Tag 35=5)must be sent to Clear Street indicating an end of activity for that day.

Clear Street also recommends exchange of heartbeats every 30 seconds by sending a message with Tag 35=0.

Clear Street expects every message to have a unique continuous sequence number as part of the message with Tag 34. If there are any gaps in sequence numbers, a sequence reset message will be sent to the OMS client with tag 34=4.

All requests must either provide a Symbol (Tag 55) or both IDSource (Tag 22) and SecurityID (Tag 48) to clearly identify a security. IDSource (Tag 22) and SecurityID are marked as conditionally required for this purpose.

We support TLS for securing the data over a FIX session. Please contact [email protected] for exchanging keys with Clear Street and for additional details.




Currently we support two different message flows. All new client implementations should use Preferred Message Flow

Legacy Message Flow

We request all new OMSs to follow this message flow

This flow will be decommissioned in the future once all existing OMSs migrate to the preferred message flow above.

  1. OMS will send a New Order message to locate securities
  2. Clear Street responds by sending an Execution Report message with the located securities information including Locate_ID in Tag 37.
  3. OMS will send a New Order message by setting Tag 117 with the Locate_ID with the status code that Clear Street provided. To accept, OMS need to send Locate_ID,1 for Tag 117 and to reject OMS need to send Locate_ID,3 for Tag 117.
  4. Clear Street responds by sending an Execution Report message with status update such as accepted/expired/etc in Tag 39

Message List

// Example 1: By Symbol
// Example 2: By CUSIP

New Order - Single is a request sent by OMS to locate a single security.

Field Name FIX Tag # Possible Values Comments Example Format Length Required
MsgType 35 D Message type D AlphaNumeric 1 Required
ClOrdID 11 Unique ID for the Order AlphaNumeric 25 Required
Symbol 55 Security ticker AAPL Alpha Required
TransactTime 60 Date+Time in UTC 20220121-13:27:43.000 YYYYMMDD-HH:mm:SS:sss 21 Required
ClientID 109 Firm ID/MPID CLST AlphaNumeric Required
ExecBroker 76 Credential string: username,password USRNM,PSWD AlphaNumeric Optional
OrderQty 38 Number of share ordered 1000 Numeric Required
Account 1 Account ID ACCTID AlphaNumeric Required
HandInst 21 1-Auto, Private
2-Auto, Public
Instructions for order handling on Broker trading floor 1 Numeric 1 Optional
Side 54 1-Buy
3-Buy Minus
4-Sell Plus
5-Sell Short
6-Sell Short Exempt
9-Cross Short
Side 1 Numeric 1 Optional
OrdType 40 1-Market
4-Stop Limit
5-Market On Close
6-With or Without
7-Limit or Better
8-Limit With or Without
9-On Basis
A-On Close
B-Limit On Close
C-Forex C
D-Previously Quoted
E-Previously Indicated
F-Forext F
G-Forex G
H-Forex H
Order Type 1 AlphaNumeric 1 Optional
ClearingAccount 440 Trader ID TRDRID AlphaNumeric Optional
Text 58 Any comments by trader comment AlphaNumeric Optional
IDSource 22 1-CUSIP
8-Exchange Symbol
Security ID type 1 Numeric 1 Conditionally Required
SecurityID 48 Security ID as per IDSource tag 22 037833100 AlphaNumeric 12 Conditionally Required

New Order - List (Request)


New Order - List is a request sent by OMS to locate multiple securities. Please note that repeatable fields must follow the same order mentioned in this document.

Field Name FIX Tag # Possible Values Comments Example Format Length Required Repeatable
MsgType 35 E Message type E AlphaNumeric 1 Required No
ListID 66 Unique ID for the Order AlphaNumeric Required No
BidType 394 1-Non Disclosed
3-No Bidding Process
Code to identify the type of Bid request 3 Numeric 1 Required No
TotNoOrders 68 Total number of list order entries across all messages Numeric Required No
NoOrders 73 Number of orders in this message Numeric Required No
ClOrdID 11 Unique ID for the Order. Must be the first in the repeatable list. AlphaNumeric 25 Required Yes
ListSeqNo 67 Order number within this list Numeric Required Yes
Symbol 55 Security ticker AAPL Alpha Required Yes
Side 54 1-Buy
3-Buy Minus
4-Sell Plus
5-Sell Short
6-Sell Short Exempt
9-Cross Short
Side 1 Numeric 1 Optional Yes
Text 58 Any comments by trader comment AlphaNumeric Optional Yes
TransactTime 60 Date+Time in UTC 20220121-13:27:43.000 YYYYMMDD-HH:mm:SS:sss 21 Required Yes
OrdType 40 1-Market
4-Stop Limit
5-Market On Close
6-With or Without
7-Limit or Better
8-Limit With or Without
9-On Basis
A-On Close
B-Limit On Close
C-Forex C
D-Previously Quoted
E-Previously Indicated
F-Forext F
G-Forex G
H-Forex H
Order Type 1 AlphaNumeric 1 Optional Yes
ClientID 109 Firm ID/MPID CLST AlphaNumeric Required Yes
ExecBroker 76 Credential string: username,password USRNM,PSWD AlphaNumeric Optional Yes
OrderQty 38 Number of share ordered 1000 Numeric Required Yes
IDSource 22 1-CUSIP
8-Exchange Symbol
Security ID type 1 Numeric 1 Conditionally Required Yes
SecurityID 48 Security ID as per IDSource tag 22 037833100 AlphaNumeric 12 Conditionally Required Yes
ClearingAccount 440 Trader ID TRDRID AlphaNumeric Optional Yes
Account 1 Account ID ACCTID AlphaNumeric Required Yes

Execution Report (Request)


Execution Report (One Response Message for each item in List of Order Request) is a response sent by Clear Street with a locate. There will be one response message for each item if the response is for a list of multiple securities request via New Order - List

Field Name FIX Tag # Possible Values Comments Example Format Length Required
MsgType 35 8 Message type 8 AlphaNumeric 1 Required
OrderID 37 Locate ID AlphaNumeric Required
ClOrdID 11 ClOrdID from the New Order message AlphaNumeric 25 Required
Symbol 55 Security ticker AAPL Alpha Required
Side 54 1-Buy
3-Buy Minus
4-Sell Plus
5-Sell Short
6-Sell Short Exempt
9-Cross Short
Side 1 Numeric 1 Required
ClientID 109 Same as Account ID CLST AlphaNumeric Required
OrderQty 38 Number of share requested 1000 Numeric Required
IDSource 22 1-CUSIP
8-Exchange Symbol
Security ID type 1 Numeric 1 Conditionally Required
SecurityID 48 Security ID as per IDSource tag 22 037833100 AlphaNumeric 12 Conditionally Required
Text 58 Any comments by locating broker or indicating partial fills or part of original order comment AlphaNumeric Optional
ExecID 17 Locate ID Numeric Required
ExecTransType 20 0-New
Transaction type 0 Numeric 1 Required
ExecType 150 0-New
1-Partial Fill
3-Done for Day
Type of Execution report B AlphaNumeric 1 Required
OrdStatus 39 0-New
1-Partial Fill
3-Done for Day
Current status of Order B AlphaNumeric 1 Required
Account 1 Account ID from Order ACCTID AlphaNumeric Required
LeavesQty 151 Amount of shares open for further execution Numeric Required
CumQty 14 Currently executed shares Numeric Required
AvgPx 6 Calculated average price Numeric Required
Price 44 Price Numeric Required
LastSpotRate 194 Borrow rate for the security Numeric Optional

New Order-Single (Accept/Reject)

// Example 1: Accept
// Example 2: Accept
// Example 3: Reject

New Order-Single (Accept/Reject) is a request sent by OMS to accept/reject a locate that was offered by Clear Street.

Field Name FIX Tag # Possible Values Comments Example Format Length Required
MsgType 35 D Message type D AlphaNumeric 1 Required
ClOrdID 11 Unique ID for the Order AlphaNumeric 25 Optional
HandInst 21 1-Auto, Private
2-Auto, Public
Instructions for order handling on Broker trading floor 1 Numeric 1 Optional
Symbol 55 Security ticker AAPL Alpha Optional
Side 54 1-Buy
3-Buy Minus
4-Sell Plus
5-Sell Short
6-Sell Short Exempt
9-Cross Short
Side 1 Numeric 1 Optional
TransactTime 60 Date+Time in UTC 20220121-13:27:43.000 YYYYMMDD-HH:mm:SS:sss 21 Required
OrdType 40 1-Market
4-Stop Limit
5-Market On Close
6-With or Without
7-Limit or Better
8-Limit With or Without
9-On Basis
A-On Close
B-Limit On Close
C-Forex C
D-Previously Quoted
E-Previously Indicated
F-Forext F
G-Forex G
H-Forex H
Order Type 1 AlphaNumeric 1 Optional
ClientID 109 Firm ID/MPID CLST AlphaNumeric Required
ExecBroker 76 Credential string: username,password USRNM,PSWD AlphaNumeric Optional
OrderQty 38 Number of share ordered 1000 Numeric Optional
IDSource 22 1-CUSIP
8-Exchange Symbol
Security ID type 1 Numeric 1 Conditionally Required
SecurityID 48 Security ID as per IDSource tag 22 037833100 AlphaNumeric 12 Conditionally Required
ClearingAccount 440 Trader ID TRDRID AlphaNumeric Optional
Account 1 Account ID ACCTID AlphaNumeric Optional
QuoteID 117 Locate_ID,1-Accept Locate
Locate_ID,2-Reject Locate
Locate ID, Accept/Reject 123456,1 AlphaNumeric Required

New Order-List (Accept/Reject)


New Order-List (Accept/Reject) is a request sent by OMS to accept/reject multiple locates that were offered by Clear Street. Please note that repeatable fields must follow the same order mentioned in this document.

Field Name FIX Tag # Possible Values Comments Example Format Length Required Repeatable
MsgType 35 E Message type E AlphaNumeric 1 Required No
ListID 66 Unique ID for the Order AlphaNumeric Required No
BidType 394 1-Non Disclosed
3-No Bidding Process
Code to identify the type of Bid request 3 Numeric 1 Required No
TotNoOrders 68 Total number of list order entries across all messages Numeric Required No
NoOrders 73 Number of orders in this message Numeric Required No
ClOrdID 11 Unique ID for the Order. Must be the first in the repeatable list. AlphaNumeric 25 Required Yes
ListSeqNo 67 Order number within this list Numeric Required Yes
Symbol 55 Security ticker AAPL Alpha Required Yes
Side 54 1-Buy
3-Buy Minus
4-Sell Plus
5-Sell Short
6-Sell Short Exempt
9-Cross Short
Side 1 Numeric 1 Optional Yes
Text 58 Any comments by trader comment AlphaNumeric Optional Yes
TransactTime 60 Date+Time in UTC 20220121-13:27:43.000 YYYYMMDD-HH:mm:SS:sss 21 Required Yes
OrdType 40 1-Market
4-Stop Limit
5-Market On Close
6-With or Without
7-Limit or Better
8-Limit With or Without
9-On Basis
A-On Close
B-Limit On Close
C-Forex C
D-Previously Quoted
E-Previously Indicated
F-Forext F
G-Forex G
H-Forex H
Order Type 1 AlphaNumeric 1 Optional Yes
ClientID 109 Firm ID/MPID CLST AlphaNumeric Required Yes
ExecBroker 76 Credential string: username,password USRNM,PSWD AlphaNumeric Optional Yes
OrderQty 38 Number of share ordered 1000 Numeric Required Yes
IDSource 22 1-CUSIP
8-Exchange Symbol
Security ID type 1 Numeric 1 Conditionally Required Yes
SecurityID 48 Security ID as per IDSource tag 22 037833100 AlphaNumeric 12 Conditionally Required Yes
ClearingAccount 440 Trader ID TRDRID AlphaNumeric Optional Yes
Account 1 Account ID ACCTID AlphaNumeric Required Yes
QuoteID 117 Locate_ID,1-Accept Locate
Locate_ID,2-Reject Locate
Locate ID, Accept/Reject 123456,1 AlphaNumeric Required Yes

Execution Report (Accept/Reject)


Execution Report (One Response Message for each item in List of Order Accept/Reject) is a response sent by Clear Street confirming the accept/reject of a locate. There will be one response message for each item if the response is for a list of multiple securities request via New Order - List

Field Name FIX Tag # Possible Values Comments Example Format Length Required
MsgType 35 8 Message type 8 AlphaNumeric 1 Required
OrderID 37 Locate ID AlphaNumeric Required
ClOrdID 11 ClOrdID from the New Order message AlphaNumeric 25 Required
Symbol 55 Security ticker AAPL Alpha Required
Side 54 1-Buy
3-Buy Minus
4-Sell Plus
5-Sell Short
6-Sell Short Exempt
9-Cross Short
Side 1 Numeric 1 Required
ClientID 109 Same as Account ID CLST AlphaNumeric Required
OrderQty 38 Number of share requested 1000 Numeric Required
IDSource 22 1-CUSIP
8-Exchange Symbol
Security ID type 1 Numeric 1 Conditionally Required
SecurityID 48 Security ID as per IDSource tag 22 037833100 AlphaNumeric 12 Conditionally Required
Text 58 Any comments by locating broker or indicating partial fills or part of original order comment AlphaNumeric Optional
ExecID 17 Locate ID Numeric Required
ExecTransType 20 0-New
Transaction type 0 Numeric 1 Required
ExecType 150 0-New
1-Partial Fill
3-Done for Day
Type of Execution report 2 AlphaNumeric 1 Required
OrdStatus 39 0-New
1-Partial Fill
3-Done for Day
Current status of Order 2 AlphaNumeric 1 Required
Account 1 Account ID from Order ACCTID AlphaNumeric Required
LeavesQty 151 Amount of shares open for further execution Numeric Required
CumQty 14 Currently executed shares 1000 Numeric Required
AvgPx 6 Calculated average price 0.23 Numeric Required
LastSpotRate 194 Borrow rate for the security Numeric Optional


8=FIX.4.29=5935=334=2851249=CLSTLOCT52=20220208-21:10:45.33656=OMSC45=12345691371=158=Order rejected. Missing Account10=025

Reject is sent by Clear Street where there are any issues with the request messages.

Field Name FIX Tag # Possible Values Comments Example Format Length Required
MsgType 35 3 Message type 3 AlphaNumeric 1 Required
RefSeqNum 45 Reference message sequence number 123456789 Numeric Required
Text 58 Reason for reject Order rejected. Missing field ClOrdID AlphaNumeric Required
RefTagID 371 The tag number of the FIX field being referenced 1 Numeric Optional